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The Majestic Tumalog Falls

Another must-visit destination in Oslob is the Tumalog Falls. Retaining its natural beauty, this unexplored falls is not clouded with cement structures and huts. Century-old trees abound in the place and the cascade of water from the falls drops in different clusters like gentle raindrops. Tumalog Falls' water is clean, and descends into a large, shallow, crystal-clear pool where you can wash the seawater off your body, if you'd previously snorkeled off Tan-Awan with the whale sharks (see above). The air around the pool is bathed with a soothing mist, and the surrounding foliage completes Tumalog Falls' otherworldly atmosphere.

The road to Tumalog Falls, however, is already paved and developed. No entrance fees are collected as of the moment. Tourists are advised to bring their own mats and food as the place is not yet fully developed. It will take about 15 minutes of hiking in order to reach the falls



photo by narmatas used under Creative Commons license.

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